A collaborative initiative to bring urgent and preventive mental health and drug/alcohol-related services to Mecklenburg County residents.
24/7 Support Lines
Could you be experiencing a drug or alcohol related issue?
Just 4 simple questions can help you find out more and identify local resources if you need assistance.

Alliance Health is here to help.
Call our Access and Information Center at 800-510-9132, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

WE. HEAR. YOU | 24/7
(and we're good at listening!)
Confidential, non-crisis peer support. Whether you are looking for someone to talk to any time day or night through our 24/7 Warm-Line, or you want to join an on-line community of people learning together and supporting one another, PRN may have something that inspires you to reclaim your identity, your voice, your well-being and your life.
If you or your family needs support in successfully navigating life or you’re experiencing housing instability or homelessness, contact Thompson today.
It is completely normal to be feeling these strong emotions during this time – you are not alone. This can be seen through increases in stress, anxiety, depression, and even PTSD symptoms.
Could You or Your Child Benefit from Counseling?
Contact Mental Health America of Central Carolinas to learn more about free counseling services. They’ll match you with a counselor and pay for up to four sessions for adults and six sessions for youth.

Taking good care of yourself and those you love has become even more important during these challenging times.
Hope Community Clinic of East Charlotte provides integrated care, addressing health from a holistic perspective including linkage to resources to meet the needs of you and your family, medical services, mental health and substance use services, parenting supports, and prevention services.

Offering support and advocacy for LGBTQ youth and their allies
Time Out Youth Center is committed to maintaining social connectedness while practicing physical distancing to provide support and advocacy for our community during these unprecedented times. Virtual discussion groups, free counseling services, access to supportive services, and housing and employment case management are available for LGBTQ youth.

Providing FREE Social and Emotional Learning Services
SYDKIMYL is providing FREE (SEL) Social and Emotional Learning services for students in grades K-8. Students will enjoy a weekly variety of fun, interactive SEL lessons via small groups either virtually or in person.

Providing group psychoeducational services for school aged children in Mecklenburg County
As a community, we have seen the stress and anxiety of youth significantly increase during the pandemic. We see the impact of these stressors manifesting in many ways on the youth. We know that stress and anxiety can have long term health impacts on our overall wellness. Our goal through this service, would be to create a safe space for the youth to talk about the stressors, create a sense of community so that they don’t have a sense of being “the only one who…”, and provide tips and strategies for managing stress and anxiety.
Founding Partners in Hope